At HorizonFlare, we believe the future is built by those daring enough to reimagine it. As a leader in cutting-edge technology solutions, we’re on a mission to solve tomorrow’s challenges today—and we’re looking for visionary minds to join our journey.

.animate-zoom-in-out img{ animation: zoom-in-out 50s ease infinite; } @keyframes zoom-in-out { 0% { scale: 100%; } 50% { scale: 140%; } 100% { scale: 100%; } } .loopplay{ animation: move-right-to-left linear 10s infinite; } /* use this one to move from left to right direction */ @keyframes move-left-to-right { from { transform: translateX(-50%); } to { transform: translateX(0); } } /* use this one to move from right to left direction */ @keyframes move-right-to-left { from { transform: translateX(0); } to { transform: translateX(-50%); } }

We currently have no job openings

.linebg { background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, transparent calc(5% – 0.5px), lightgray 5%, transparent calc(5% + 0.5px)), /* First line */ linear-gradient(90deg, transparent calc(30% – 0.5px), lightgray 30%, transparent calc(30% + 0.5px)), /* Second line */ linear-gradient(90deg, transparent calc(50% – 0.5px), lightgray 50%, transparent calc(50% + 0.5px)), /* Third line (center) */ linear-gradient(90deg, transparent calc(70% – 0.5px), lightgray 70%, transparent calc(70% + 0.5px)), /* Fourth line */ linear-gradient(90deg, transparent calc(95% – 0.5px), lightgray 95%, transparent calc(95% + 0.5px)); /* Fifth line */ -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); }
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